"Whimsey" A 2024 Whimsical WeeFolk Build The name sums it up. A free form building The entryway is front bottom corner. Six floors high with a top open deck, making seven. Obviously the Weefolk don't have a problem with weak knees or heights. And here are a few highlights.... Fifth floor house area, outside balcony and seating area. Sixth Floor House has a pretty nice and broad balcony with curved ends. We recently added a 3/4 Round - Turret style balcony.
The upper rear landing has been fancied up lately. Will be needing a couch soon.
The trick to building such a Whimsical Creation is how to not let it fall into too much chaos. There needs to be a certain repetition of patterns carried through the chaos.
This structure has gone through many tweaks additions and changes
The underlying thing of WeeFolk life "Impermanence" That nothing in life lasts forever - including life.