Roseate Spoonbills Spoonbills are among the most beautiful yet unique birds around us. Their beaks remind us of two giant wooden salad spoons. They stir them back and forth from side to side through the water grabbing at something. I've been told they are searching for shellfish which gives them their rich color. Clearly a unique beak gives them unique tastes for dinner. Their brightness surely equals a Flamingo in every way, very striking and bold to see. They are often shy and avoid people more than other large birds. I got lucky with this one who let me watch them take a bath, and with the few strolling by on the beach one evening. As I look at them and appreciate their beauty and unique qualities words come to mind that seems fitting to share. We can sure see their uniqueness. Many years ago I found a reference that originally the word dominion in Old Latin meant steward, to look after, to care for. Which fits well with this verse. That we are to appreciate and take care of all the magnificence He has bestowed on earth, to care for His creation and each other. Clearly we each have our own unique qualities and perspectives. We are all different with our own special purpose and gifts to share with others. May we find a place where our gifts are appreciated, and where we may use them to help others.