Wisdom Keepers
There are those who have found a place of true inner knowing. Those who carry and pass on great wisdom to help bring balance to this earth. They see what is out of balance, and feel what is true. They find ways to share that wisdom with others, often through
words, art, song.
Wisdom ...
Wisdom does not come from great knowledge. As all knowledge can be corrupted. Wisdom comes from the place where we merge Heart and Soul. A place where our answers don't come from outside of us, not from what we have learned, but through us from the other side, from Universal Truths, from Great Spirit-Creator-God. Which is why even a five year old with little knowledge can show wisdom. But more often wisdom comes with age. As a youth we often seek answers from outside of us, from the world around us as we learn how to fit in. With age we learn the outside world often does not hold truth. Our true answers come from within us, from our Soul, from God.
Today's First Wave ...
There are Spiritual Warriors who chose to come ahead of the curve and set the stage for the changes happening on earth. They have made the space for the new energies and new children to arrive. They have always been with us through the ages, but many more have come now, at this critical time. Often working alone there have been great challenges to bringing balance to this wobbly world. Relying on inner truth and higher guidance, they draw on a simple knowing ... that It Is Time.
All is changing.
We Honor those Warriors.
The Wisdom keepers.
[Crop Circle image]
[Large Mandala - size: aprox. 1-5/8" across]
* Each piece is strung on adjustabe length Black Cotton Cord,
and includes a card with the message above written on it.