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Keiths Cross #32-KeithsCross

Keiths Cross

Item #: 32-KeithsCross




Keith's Cross

This cross reflects our Faith and Devotion for God. It is adorned with a Passion Flower representing Christ, and Ivy is for His people.  Every part of the Passion Flower has symbolic meaning for us: from the number of petals, and  stigma; to the thorn like radial filaments; to even it's name. The Ivy plant is seen as a symbol of Faithfulness and Eternal Life and Love. This cross reminds us of our Eternal Faith in God and His never ending Love. May we shine that Love and Faith to all throughout our day.

[aprox 1-1/2" tall]

* Each piece is strung on adjustabe length Black Cotton Cord,
  and includes a card with the message above written on it.

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