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Spiral - CropCircle #Spirit-21

Spiral - CropCircle

Item #: Spirit-21




Crop Circle Spiral
appeared during daylight hours across from Stonehenge                                   

All of life is a Spiral Dance. A boundless force flows throughout everything and we are all connected in that dance. Our words, emotions, thoughts and vibration all resonate out to the universe. We share with each other and all there is in this never ending spiral of creating, and exploring .
This image is from a Crop Circle.
Images are appearing in fields worldwide where the plants are spiraled to the ground in beautiful patterns.

"They herald in
      a time of great change
             both for Mother Earth
                                      and Ourselves."      

They now encompass 70 countries
and are found in wheat, corn, rye, barley, as well as grasses, snow, ice, sandy beaches, and deserts.  There are many details of this phenomenon that cannot be explained or reproduced by researchers.           
Some qualities of the
Genuine Formations ...
Patterns are intricately woven, or braided often without hurting plants. Crystallized Tissue where the plant bends. Blown out nodes on wheat crops. The fields sometimes bend over at the tops of the plants many feet off the ground. Camera's, watches, and other equipment often fail within them. Compasses point wrong or spin. Heightened Electrostatic Field which can persist even after harvesting. Soil is void of nematodes and bird's won't fly over them. Over 70 eyewitnesses have reported the entire formations lay down in 5 to 15 seconds. Many sightings of fairy lights and UFO's, as well as peculiar phenomena in researchers homes.

[Size: aprox 1" wide. Note the actual piece is domed more than this image. It was adjusted to help get a photo image. ]

* Each piece is strung on adjustabe length Black Cotton Cord,
  and includes a card with the message above written on it.

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