The Vulture and the Caracara






Wholesale Account Request














The Caracara and the Vulture


I was walking along a Texas stream. It was a broad wash basin of pools and falls. The rocks were washed and shaped by the water over time and their round shapes flowed like the water that formed them. It was an enchanting view with the soft flow of everything and the late afternoon sun. A Blue Heron and a Reddish Egret walked around the edges of the pools looking for an evening snack. There was a Caracara, a Mexican Eagle, sitting on a limb and several Vultures soaring overhead.

As I walked I wondered what this basin may look like with waters gushing during a flash flood. I wondered if it was always this dry and barren in the area. Perhaps in an earlier age this was a filled stream or river that flowed year round and shaped these rocks. It could have been surrounded by lush thriving plants and trees at one time, as earth is always busy changing.

I walked and felt the quiet and stillness all around. It was peaceful. Very few people ever visited here. And the birds were seemingly few as well. The rocks were the best expression of beauty with their flowing curved shapes. There were pockets and tiny baby canyons between them that small Lizards ran through.

As I enjoyed the peace I was suddenly startled by the loud cries of two birds. They took off from the ground not far away and spun together in a loud flurry. They flew straight up spiraling together calling out as they rose. It was the Caracara and a Vulture. It seemed like a kind of frenzied chaos as they rose.

Then when they reached tree top height they leveled off and changed to a peaceful state. They joined together and began quietly flapping in perfect harmony. They flew a foot apart and each stroke of their wings matched. They were in unison, perfect cinque. They gently soared off down the dry stream bed quietly with one above the other.

I watched in silence...

I sat down on a rounded rock and wondering what I just saw.

They seemed to almost be fighting as they first took off from the ground. They spiraled together in that loud flurry of both cawing and screaming. Then once they were in the air they changed and flew gracefully like a ballet. It was a beautiful scene with the two of them flying together.

It was so other worldly I thought. A Caracara and Vulture. Two sacred birds. The Eagle and the Condor. The ancient Native Prophecies talked of a time when the Eagle and Condor would unite and the earth changes would be here. Great Spirit /God had come and told of a time when the great cleansing would be upon us. When all of earth will be cleaned of all things out of balance. People of all colors would come together and create communities, the new world. A time of harmony would come from the chaos.

I played over and over in my head what I saw with the two birds to make sure I captured it all correctly. I sat and wondered. They were clearly a message, a sign for me to see. I kept going back to the first part. Were they fighting or was it something else?

I Prayed and asked God - what was it I was seeing? Were they fighting or Peaceful?
His answer was very simply ...
                           "Which is it for  you?"
That is all that was spoken.


I sat absorbing the words.
          Which is it for you?
                Which do you want to see?
It was my choice. .... I was asked to reflect and see - which was I holding on to?

Was I holding on to the Chaos of the crumbling out of balance world?
Or was I seeing the change as bringing in a new Harmony?
Both are clearly here, shining right before us in this moment. We see it all around. Which did I hold the greatest? Which did I dream?

Yes, there was a message and I heard my answer.
The message was - Watch our thoughts. Watch which reality and perception we hold on to. What do we each hold most dear and close to our hearts? What is most important for me, for you, for the future? What is the path we are walking on? We each have a choice.


This is a time for us to Dream what we want.
To dream in the new world.
To pray and manifest a bright positive Earth that works for all people, and all of life.
God's Kingdom come. A world of Peace. The Prophecies fullfilled as Promised to all peoples.