Crystal Newcomer Today I'll vary from my usual birds and animals and explore another life form. A new friend? Well perhaps? Who knows what we find when we look closer. When we are open to experience.
I found this one yesterday. It is unique and rare. Some say an Arkansas Golden Healer but I'm not versed on such things. I just know this one is different than some others. When we look at crystals we are with a very old and slow growing life form. We have often pondered what it is like to be a tree. Some are hundreds of years old for mighty Oaks and we imagine all they have seen. We feel peace and comfort in the forest, in their presence. But what is it like to be a crystal? How old is this one I hold here? Thousands of years? A Million? What has it seen? What vibrational energies has it observed and felt through the ages? Can it see and feel where mankind has been and watched as we progress through time? The mind easily wanders places. The crystal looks back seemingly silent. Those who work with crystals say they are a higher vibration than us. That they are a much higher consciousness. Are they more connected to God we could wonder and ask? Or less? Many find it easier to Meditate with them near in their sacred space, helping to raise us higher and connect. Helping us find our true selves within. We are told they help stabilize energies around themselves and can help raise us to a higher state of awareness, a place of peace and balance. We have so many questions about who they are. Perhaps our answers about them will come from them. As I take a moment this morning and sit with this one I feel a strong warm heart energy. A peaceful healing that flows to me. And I also feel a strong grounding connection to the land here, the hills and the water. I find it very easy to be totally still. Sometimes when we are near certain people we feel like this. We all know someone who just seems to radiate warmth and peace. We enjoy being around them in their space. Their vibration merges with ours. Is this the same with these ancient beings, the crystals? I ponder and wonder. What can they teach us by sharing space, by us learning to listen like we do with the animals? Can they share with us a higher path? Do we see them as purely a thing of beauty as some of us may see each other? Or do we see their depth and explore a deeper more full interaction as many say they do? So far I see them as another wonderful and beautiful Being sharing the earth with us under Heaven? Bringing us peace and higher awareness has to be a good indication of who they are. We are all sharing this earth together and learning who each of us are, and the depths of life every day.