First Light to Sunrise
I decided years ago that the camper is often different rooms inside. If I pull out computer and a few needed things it instantly becomes an office available to fill orders, work on web pages, edit photographs. Then as evening comes lighting a candle at the end of a day and it's a pleasant dining room with a view. But there is one thing it simply isn't ... is the living room. I like to tell people, when you are mobile, the home is configured a little different. The living room starts at the fenders and reaches out infinitely in all directions. It is seemingly much bigger than most people's space which is confined by four walls. And often this living is much better decorated with all the varying beauty of nature. This morning it was decorated with God's Glory, as I like to say. A perfect morning to listen to the Geese announcing they are flying, watching two yearling Eagles float about following each other, and of course enjoy the colors as it continually changes. Twilight is the time between when the sky first begins to glow to sunrise. A magical time of beauty on some mornings. Perfect for sitting enjoying the mornings tea or coffee with a view and the sounds of nature waking up. With Sunrise Prayers the day begins. May the whole day be as Blessed and Beautiful as it's Twilight. Ouachita Lake Arkansas -May 10, 2023