Simple Beauty Life's a Journey Today lets explore those of us whose life has led us to being mobile at this time. I could mention all the circumstances and situations that led many of us here. I might talk of the problems in our society. We might explore if it's by chance, karma, or simply our choice. But... let's explore another perspective today. Instead, let's see the Gifts. Let's look at this from a place of accepting and appreciating viewpoint. In my case ... God has placed me here, for a reason, in this manner, today. It has purpose. It is a Gift. It is clearly an opportunity to step back and see things differently. A place to discover, and remember, what is really import in life and why we are here. Perhaps it's a way to explore new paths unchartered yet. And with free time, a chance to find new ways to reach out and share a unique view of life. And possibly a chance for others to ponder and consider their lives. What are the Blessings I find each day? They are many. Daily Miracles. I find them all around, often subtle and overlooked by others. And with that I am discovering my peculiar perspective is a gift. There is a reason I have been so reluctant my whole life to accept our society, and why I have now been mostly cast out. To wander the desert or forests for years, so to speak. So lets share just one of these gifts today. Perhaps I'll share others and more insights in days to come. Today's Gift I have been given and Thank God for, is the Gift of Beauty. Simply that. I am able to find beauty where ever I am. It is all around us. I see it in others. I see it in people's actions, in their smiles, in their kindness. I seek it out. I am mobile to more or less go where I am drawn or led. And I find things always fall into place if I get out of the way and allow divine hands to orchestrate. I can safely say I may not go where I thought I was going, but I end up where I need to be at just the right moment. Today I woke early and arrived at the beach just as twilight started. The darkness of night was just beginning to allow in the day's light. Twilight is the moment where the sky briefly displays a taste of the beauty it can bring. Like stretching it's limbs from the nights sleep. A chance to simply start the day expressing Joy and Color and an Appreciation of Life. I thank God for gifting such beauty with us. A place where amazing colors are shared. Where the sun halos clouds to look like mountains. Where the ocean dances with the shore. Where all is a beautiful expression of life and possibilities are explored. This is one brief wonderful moment shown daily with this lifestyle.